Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Today was very windy!! It looks as though my remaining Castilleja may have been damaged by the wind... only time will tell if they'll still live and produce seed to drop. I won't attempt to fix their stems until the wind is gone. It stormed late in the day, and we got about a half inch of much needed rain (after today's nice drying winds!)

Attempted to hand-pollinate 2 Iris cristata flowers; also, all 3 Cypripedium acaule flowers, this time I was able to find the pollen! Results on all will follow.

**Germination notes: in dish from 5/6 Asclepias curassavica, Salvia lyrata, Asclepias verticillata, and Centranthus ruber germinated. All remaining Sweet Pea seeds were rotting and had to be removed. Manfreda virginica germinated in dish from 5/1.

Planted the following from 5/6 dish:
Asclepias curassavica, Knautia (white), Oenothera macrocarpa, Penstemon triflorus, Cleome serrulata, Dracocephalum tanguticum and Talinum paniculatum in Pond Area.

Liatris pychnostachya, Campanula americana, Geum triflorum, Scilla autumnalis, and Monarda clinopodia in Sand Area.

They haven't germinated yet, but took 3 Tropaeolum peregrinum seeds out of 5/6 dish and planted in Vine Area - don't want them to rot! Also, noticed what may be this plant already coming up in Vine Area (from seeds planted either early spring or late winter)!

Planted Manfreda virginica from 5/1 dish in Sand Garden.

Collected seeds in screening on Claytonia virginica: a fairly good amount! Next year, I will have to screen more pods!

Raked up more pine needles, that happened to be falling from the White Pine for use in the bog and acid garden.

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