Friday, May 11, 2007

New Plants...

Here are some more pictures of the orchids... first, 2 of Cypripedium acaule:

Next, Cypripedium montanum is now in full bloom.
Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens is still lingering, too...
These Iris cristata snuck up on me... I knew the plants were there, but the blooms were a nice surprise, as they had never bloomed for me yet.

Some new plants today...

Planted a clump of Vancouveria hexandra, 4 Erythronium grandiflorum, 2 Goodyera oblongifolia, and Lysichiton americanus in Woodland Area 1.

Planted several Zigadenus elegans, 3 Erythronium grandiflorum and 2 of a Dodecatheon species (pulchellum or hendersonii, not sure which) in the Sand Area.

Also have a Veratrum californicum, but haven't decided where to put it yet.

Planted seedlings of Ipomoea hederacea, 2 Lablab purpurascens and Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue' in Vine Area. Also, put Dodecatheon meadia alba and Dodecatheon pulchellum seedlings in Sand Area, as well as 2 Ruellia seedlings (either strepens or humilis, only time will tell which). Planted 3 Lupinus texensis and 2 Lupinus perennis in sand area behind garage, and 4 Cassia fasciculata in Sand Area.

Also started digging the area that will be the bog garden!
Finally, put screening around 1 Viola pubescens pod, and 1 Hepatica acutiloba.

**Germination notes: Ipomoea lindheimeri, Mina lobata and Hibiscus cannabinus sprouted in dish from 5/9. Oenothera macrocarpa, Emilia coccinea, Galeopsis pubescens, Galeopsis ladanum, Monarda bradburiana, and Monarda clinopodia germinated in dish from 5/6.

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