Saturday, June 30, 2007


Today was sunny and mild again - about 75.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Sunny and mild

Today was sunny but mild, about 75.

Planted Polygala sanguinea and Aletris farinosa in bog.

Also got Anemone virginiana, Lysimachia quadrifolia and Chelone glabra.

Took Sarracenia flava, Sarracenia purpurea and Sarracenia swaniana seeds out of fridge.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Today was cloudy and a lot less muggy! About 75.

Got Xerophyllum asphodeloides, Platanthera ciliaris and Spiranthes cernua today. Planted Xerophyllum asphodeloides in Acid area, and the other two in the bog. I'm hoping both areas are acidic enough to sustain the Xerophyllum and the Platanthera, which apparently need very acidic soils!

Planted Aplectrum hyemale in Woodland Area 2.

Also added many news files to the other website, and all files should be uploaded and working now. Check it out, if you'd like:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Today was hot and muggy for the first half of the day (~92), but storms came in the afternoon and cooled things down, and added a ton of rain! 3.5 inches!

The bog isn't parched anymore... in fact, it's become a temporary pond!

Also, put seeds of Dalea purpurea, Dalea villosa, Dalea candida, Dalea aurea, Tephrosia virginiana, Baptisia minor, Baptisia leucophaea, Baptisia leucantha, Baptisia australis, Baptisia sphaerocarpa and Lithospermum carolinense in water to soak.

Planted seeds of Mitella pentandra, Mitella ovalis, Clintonia uniflora and Trientalis europaea in a container with wet sphagnum peat mixed with acid soil.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Today was hot and muggy again! About 92!

Monday, June 25, 2007


Today was very warm and muggy! About 88.

Moved Medeola virginiana from bog to container with wet Sphagnum.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mild and cloudy

Today was again about 80, but it was mostly cloudy today.
Campanula rotundifolia started blooming in the Sand Area.

Planted Dionaea muscipula in bog.

In the Main Garden, Echinacea purpurea and Kniphofia uvaria are blooming.

Moved Streptopus lanceolatus from Main Garden to container with wet Sphagnum.

Also took Sarracenia leucophylla, Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla, Sarracenia purpurea venosa, Sarracenia flava rugellii and Darlingtonia californica seeds out of fridge and put in bog. (S. leucophylla by S. cernuus; S. purpurea by large driftwood; S. purpurea heterophylla by P. flava; S. purpurea venosa by smaller D. muscipula; S. flava rugellii by P. flava; and D. californica by D. californica).

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Today was about 80 and sunny.

Got Dionaea muscipula.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Mild and sunny

Today was sunny and mild, about 75. A very nice day!

Got several new plants today: Clintonia umbellulata, Liparis liliifolia, Platanthera blephariglottis, Streptopus amplexifolius, Pyrola asarifolia, and Aplectrum hyemale.

Planted Platanthera blephariglottis, Clintonia umbellulata, Lysichiton americanus, Streptopus amplexifolius and Pyrola asarifolia in the bog. Put Liparis liliifolia in the Acid Area.

Planted seeds of Tofieldia glutinosa (near P. blephariglottis), Drosera filiformis (at base of S. cernuus), Drosera intermedia, Drosera linearis (by P. blephariglottis), and Pinguicula vulgaris (by Calopogon sp.) in bog.

Also put a bucket with wet sphagnum in a shaded area with Clintonia umbellulata, Liparis liliifolia and Streptopus amplexifolius. Planted seeds of Cornus canadensis and Clintonia borealis in it, as well.

Planted Iris fulva in Main Garden.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Surprise rain

Today was cloudy in the morning, with an unexpected burst of storms - unfortunately, they didn't provide much rain - only about 1/8 or so. However, they did provide some in the collection buckets for the bog. After that, it was sunny, and about 80.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A bit cooler

Today was a cooler, but still warm and sunny. Around 80.

Planted Lathyrus verna, Lathyrus maritima maritima, Dalea purpurea and Thermopsis montana seedlings in Sand Area.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A bit of rain

um Today, it rained a bit in the morning, about 1/4 inch, and then stayed cloudy until late afternoon. About 75.

Something's been digging around in the bog... arrg! Not sure what it was, but decided to put a metal cage around the Calypso bulbosa, just in case! Don't want any mishaps!

Otherwise, it is looking very good - the plants are starting to grow new leaves and the Sphagnum is turning green and showing signs of new growth!

Darlingtonia californica seems to be getting new leaves:
And in the sand area behind the garage, Lupinus luteus is now in full bloom!

Also, moved Hieracium aurantiacum plant from Main Garden to Acid Area - it doesn't seem to do well in regular garden soil.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Yikes... today is very warm, muggy, and sunny... 95! The warmest day yet this year...

The bog is looking a bit parched, and most other things are too! Hoping we get the rain they're predicting for tomorrow!

As it has been the last week or so, not much new to report - waiting on rain to transplant anything!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

No rain yet...

Today was warm and sunny, most of the day - cloudy in the morning. There was a prediction of some rain, but it didn't happen! About 89.

Kept everything well watered, and hoped for rain!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

New pictures!

Today was mostly sunny, with a few occasional little patches of cloudiness, but not much. It wasn't overly hot, but around 80 or 85.

The gardens have changed quite a bit since spring, so some new pictures might be nice:
The acid garden

The bog garden

The pond

The sand area with many seedlings (with acid garden behind it)

The vine area

Finally, the woodland area 2 has grown up quite a bit since spring!

Some other plants are starting to bloom around the yard:

Lysimachia punctata has been blooming for a while, but is hiding in the back of the yard, so it gets overlooked by the camera!
Lupinus texensis has just started to bloom in the Sand Area behind the garage.
Lupinus luteus is also about to bloom in the next day or so.
Hemerocallis fulva's flowers were open quite late today, considering how early they usually fall off.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sunny again

Today was around 85, and sunny. Things are starting to dry up!

Nothing much ew to report... lately, it's been too warm for transplanting, and too sunny to take good pictures! :(

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Today was sunny and warm again, but a little bit cooler. About 80.

Found a very interesting seed dispersal method when in the Acid Garden today. Despite having read on a website that Epigaea repens seeds don't ripen until late summer, they were definitely ripe today! There is a capsule about the size of a pea that opens and has five individual little while balls inside of it, that are sticky and sugary, and each of those has many small black specks stuck to it - which are actually the small seeds - but ants, liking the sugar, carry away the sticky part and discard the seeds. With Trilliums, the sticky is actually a part of the seed, but in this case, the seeds are simply connected to something, in order to be carried away and dispersed! Very interesting, and fortunately, I was able to get a few seeds, despite the ants carrying many of them away!

Waiting on some rain before attempting an more transplants of seedlings!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More of the same...

Today was also hot, sunny and muggy... about 89 or so.

Still pretty warm for any planting! Kept the seedlings watered, and added some water to the bog garden, but not much else other than that!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hot and muggy

Today was very hot and sunny, and started to get muggy. About 87.

Planted Caltha palustris in Pond.

Otherwise, not much to report... it was too hot to transplant any seedlings!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Warmer, sunny

Today was warmer and sunny all day, about 85.

Got Lobelia spicata, Platanthera flava, a Pyrola sp. and Drosera rotundifolia and put in Bog Garden.

The Platanthera flava was aching to have its picture taken; not as showy as some of its cousins, but still worth having around!

Also got a Sisyrinchium sp. and Hypericum punctatum and planted in Sand Area.

Collected one seed pod from screened Erythronium americanum at Mason.

Planted bulbils of Allium canadense in Sand Area, and seeds of Erythronium americanum in Woodland Area 2, and in a container of moist dirt. Also planted Collinsia verna seeds in container with moist dirt.

Put a few seeds of Dalea purpurea in water to soak overnight.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mild again

Today was mild and sunny again, about 75 degrees or so.

Some pictures from today:
Berteroa incana, blooming in a pot by the porch; they came up from seed from a larger plant that seeded itself the year before:

The bog garden seems to be getting some green back, although it got more brown first:
In the Sand Area, one of the Cypripedium acaule appears to have taken well to the hand pollination, and the seed pod is happily developing:
Here is a picture of the woodland part of the Sand Area, added just this spring.
Not much else to report for today, except weeded the Main Garden a bit, and moved a small piece of two different types of Pycnanthemum (I believe, virginianum and tenuifolium) from there to the Sand Garden.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Sunny and mild

Today was mild and sunny, around 75.

In the garden by the back porch, an Opuntia species started blooming today:
The bog is looking good right now, and many of the areas seem to be getting back their color, after being stored away where they couldn't get much sun! Darlingtonia californica seems to be alright, so far:

In the Main Garden, Asclepias exlatata, Gaillardia aristata, Leucanthemum vulgare and a white Penstemon species are in full bloom!

In the Acid Area, a recently moved Chimaphila maculata plant seems to be getting a bud. Not sure if it was there when transplanted:

In the mornings, Krigia virginica is blooming in the Sand Area; I hope it comes back from seed this year... it did not last year!

Got a Passiflora caerulea plant and planted in Vine Area.

**Germination notes: In 5/6 dish, Passiflora lutea, Aristolochia elegans, Rock Soapwort, Stella D'Oro Lily, and Cardiospermum halicacabum came up.


Passiflora lutea and Aristolochia elegans from 5/6 dish in Vine Area.

Rock Soapwort, Stella D'Oro Lily, Yellow Candy Lily, and Cardiospermum halicacabum from 5/6 dish in Pond Area.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Today was pretty warm and windy, about 90, until mid-afternoon, and then some thunderstorms came and gave a bit of much appreciated rain after yesterday's wind - near 1/2 inch. Was about 80 and still windy afterward.

Planted Malva neglecta, Hieracium caespitosum and a Potentilla sp. in Sand Area.

**Germination notes: Phacelia campanularia, Allium azureum, and Salvia roemeriana came up in 5/27 dish.

Planted following seedlings from 5/27 dish:

Phacelia campanularia, Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph', Dracocephalum ruyschianum, Allium azureum, Blue Rocky Mountain Penstemon, and Scutellaria pontica in Pond Area.

Escobaria vivipara on side of garage.

Hypericum pyramidatum in Sand Area.

Planted Sanguinaria canadensis seeds in woodland part of Sand Area.

Well, found a website that hosts files for free, so... uploaded some of the files that were saved as a webpage on the computer for just this occasion. The site says "10 GB of bandwidth"; so, not sure if that is the permanent number, or per month - if it turns out to be per month, much more will be done with the site. But in the meantime, there are some good pictures of the various gardens there, so here is the URL, if you're interested, but the files may become unavailable after the limit is reached :)

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Today was warm and windy... about 90 degrees!

In fact, too windy to do much of anything with plants... pictures and transplanting are pretty much out of the question, so just tried to keep the bog wet, given its very fragile state right now - some leaves on plants still look a bit parched. I hope they come back in the fall, or next year!

Got Malva neglecta plant.

Also, collected some Sanguinaria canadensis seeds from front woods - had trouble finding many of the screened pods, including any of the Erythronium americana pods.

Planted Cypress Vine seeds (soaked last night) in Vine Area.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Cool and sunny

Today was sunny, but pretty cool... around 70.

Planted Vaccinium vitis-idaea seeds in Acid Area.

Planted Brasenia schreberi in Pond.

Planted seeds of Erythronium hendersonii in Woodland Area 1, Woodland Area 2, Main Garden, and in woodland section of Sand Area.

All seedlings from wet papertowel germinated... planted:
Baptisia leucantha, Baptisia minor, Baptisia leucophaea, Baptisia sphaerocarpa, Baptisia australis, and Dalea aurea in Sand Area.

Clitoria terneata, Clitoria mariana, and Centrosema virginiana in Vine Area.

Tephrosia virginiana in Sand Area and Acid Area.

White Sweet Pea and Dark Pink Sweet Pea in sand area behind garage.

Also planted Corydalis solida and Corydalis nobilis seeds in container with moist dirt, and Corydalis solida in Woodland Area 2. Planted Hepatica americana (2007) and Trillium flexipes, Trillium recurvatum and Trillium grandiflorum seeds from 2006 and Trillium grandiflorum seeds from 2005 in container with moist dirt.

Scarified and put Thermopsis montana, Thermopsis villosa, Lathyrus maritima maritima, and Lathyrus verna seeds in wet papertowel. Also put Cypress Vine seeds in water to soak.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Some new seeds...

Today was pretty cool all day - only about 60 - and overcast most of the day.

Planted seeds of following in a wet papertowel, after scarifying: Butterfly Pea, White Sweet Pea, Dalea aurea, Dark Pink Sweet Pea, Centrosema virginiana, Baptisia australis, Baptisia leucophaea, Baptisia minor, Baptisia leucantha, Clitoria terneata and Tephrosia virginiana.

From 5/27 dish, planted Lavatera 'Silver Cup', Nemophila maculata 'Black Penny', Dorycnium hirsutum, Habranthus tubispathus, Argentine Rain Lily, Agastache 'Honey Bee Blue' and Anagallis monellii in Pond Area.

Monday, June 4, 2007

The bog is in business!

The bog is finally done!

Today was overcast for most of the day, and also rained some more. With yesterday's rain and today's we got about 3 inches total!

In the bog, first, mixed in all the peat, including these chunks on the top:

Then added everything... a couple of tree stumps and some driftwood. Along with Sphagnum, Coptis trifolia, Smilacina trifolia, Ledum groenlandicum, a Calopogon sp, Pogonia ophioglossoides, Polygala lutea, Helonias bullata, Drosera rotundifolia, Darlingtonia californica, Clintonia borealis, Cornus canadensis, Mitchella repens, Linnaea borealis, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Polygala paucifolia, Streptopus lanceolatus, Medeola virginiana, Vaccinium myrtilloides, Trientalis borealis, Viola macloskeyi, Calla palustris, Cypripedium acaule, Saururus cernuus, a Platanthera sp., Epigaea repens, and Calypso bulbosa.

Now, just have to wait and see how everything does!

Planted the following seeds directly into the bog: Sarracenia purpurea, Asclepias rubra, Asclepias lanceolata, Pyrola rotundifolia, Platanthera clavellata, Veronica officinalis, Dactylorhiza maculata, Helonias bullata, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Clintonia borealis, Pinguicula vulgaris, Parnassia glauca, Tofieldia glutinosa and Dionaea muscipula.

Also planted seeds of Xerophyllum tenax and Xerophyllum asphodeloides in Acid Area. The rest of the area looks to be doing quite well, especially after all the rain!

**Germination notes: Escobaria vivipara, Dorycnium hirsutum, and Argentine Rain Lily came up in dish from 5/27.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Rain, and lots of it!

At long last, today it rained and rained... and then rained some more!!

Fortunately, I collected tons of it, and caught a break in it and added 2 bales of peat and also the extra smaller bale, before it rained again. After all the rain, the bog will be ready to add sphagnum, plants and seeds... just need a break in the rain! :)

Here are some pictures of all the collected rain, and then one of the bog...

Also planted an Azalea in the Acid Area, with sphagnum peat around the base.

Planted Sarracenia leucophylla and Sarracenia minor seeds in wet sphagnum and put in fridge.

**Germination notes: Yellow Candy Lily came up in dish from 5/6. Lavatera 'Silver Cup' and Habranthus tubispathus came up in dish from 5/27.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A bit of rain...

Today was warm again, but in the afternoon there was a short burst of rain which helped some... but still need quite a bit more!

Planted the following:

From 5/6 dish:
Aristolochia tomentosa and Dicentra macrocapnos in Vine Area.
Corydalis aurea in Woodland Area 2.
Clinopodium vulgare in Sand Area.
Ceratotheca triloba in Pond Area.

From 5/8 dish:
Caltha leptosepala in Pond Area.

From 5/27 dish:
Malva moschata alba, Malva sylvestris 'Brave Heart', Garden Balsam, Ceratotheca triloba, Malva alcea fastigiata, Allium aflatunense, Leonotis leonuris, Oenothera macrocarpa, Salvia penstemonoides, Epilobium dodonaei, Coral Bean, Oenothera pallida 'Innocence', and Lychnis arkwrightii in Pond Area.

Ipomopsis rubra and Hedysarum alpinum in Sand Area.

**Germination notes: In 5/27 dish, Malva sylvestris 'Brave Heart', Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph', Nemophila maculata 'Black Penny', Oenothera macrocarpa, Coral Bean, Scutellaria pontica, and Anagallis monellii came up.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Overcast and warm

Today was warm again, and a bit overcast.

**Germination notes: in 5/6 dish, Callirhoe digitata, Corydalis aurea, Zigadenus nuttallii (?), and Dicentra macrocapnos. In 5/27 dish, Ipomopsis rubra, Allium aflatunense, Salvia penstemonoides, Epilobium dodonaei, Lychnis arkwrightii, Oenothera pallida 'Innocence', and Agastache 'Honey Bee Blue' came up.

Kitaibela vitifolia was rotten when went to plant.

Planted Callirhoe digitata, Callirhoe involucrata and Salvia lyrata from 5/6 dish in Sand Area.

Got Calypso bulbosa and Trillium ovatum bulbs today - planted Trillium ovatum in Woodland Area 1.

Also got seeds of Sarracenia minor, Sarracenia leucophylla, Erythronium hendersonii and Drosera intermedia.

Planted Eyrthronium hendersonii seeds in a small container with moist soil.

Put seeds of Sarracenia minor and Sarracenia leucophylla in distilled water to soak. Also put seeds of Sarracenia swaniana, Sarracenia purpurea and Sarracenia flava in the fridge in wet sphagnum, but the seeds may be no good.