Thursday, June 14, 2007


Today was sunny and warm again, but a little bit cooler. About 80.

Found a very interesting seed dispersal method when in the Acid Garden today. Despite having read on a website that Epigaea repens seeds don't ripen until late summer, they were definitely ripe today! There is a capsule about the size of a pea that opens and has five individual little while balls inside of it, that are sticky and sugary, and each of those has many small black specks stuck to it - which are actually the small seeds - but ants, liking the sugar, carry away the sticky part and discard the seeds. With Trilliums, the sticky is actually a part of the seed, but in this case, the seeds are simply connected to something, in order to be carried away and dispersed! Very interesting, and fortunately, I was able to get a few seeds, despite the ants carrying many of them away!

Waiting on some rain before attempting an more transplants of seedlings!

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