Saturday, June 9, 2007

Sunny and mild

Today was mild and sunny, around 75.

In the garden by the back porch, an Opuntia species started blooming today:
The bog is looking good right now, and many of the areas seem to be getting back their color, after being stored away where they couldn't get much sun! Darlingtonia californica seems to be alright, so far:

In the Main Garden, Asclepias exlatata, Gaillardia aristata, Leucanthemum vulgare and a white Penstemon species are in full bloom!

In the Acid Area, a recently moved Chimaphila maculata plant seems to be getting a bud. Not sure if it was there when transplanted:

In the mornings, Krigia virginica is blooming in the Sand Area; I hope it comes back from seed this year... it did not last year!

Got a Passiflora caerulea plant and planted in Vine Area.

**Germination notes: In 5/6 dish, Passiflora lutea, Aristolochia elegans, Rock Soapwort, Stella D'Oro Lily, and Cardiospermum halicacabum came up.


Passiflora lutea and Aristolochia elegans from 5/6 dish in Vine Area.

Rock Soapwort, Stella D'Oro Lily, Yellow Candy Lily, and Cardiospermum halicacabum from 5/6 dish in Pond Area.

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