Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A bit of rain

um Today, it rained a bit in the morning, about 1/4 inch, and then stayed cloudy until late afternoon. About 75.

Something's been digging around in the bog... arrg! Not sure what it was, but decided to put a metal cage around the Calypso bulbosa, just in case! Don't want any mishaps!

Otherwise, it is looking very good - the plants are starting to grow new leaves and the Sphagnum is turning green and showing signs of new growth!

Darlingtonia californica seems to be getting new leaves:
And in the sand area behind the garage, Lupinus luteus is now in full bloom!

Also, moved Hieracium aurantiacum plant from Main Garden to Acid Area - it doesn't seem to do well in regular garden soil.

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