Chelidonium majus started blooming today for the first time:
The Claytonia virginica are still persisting, and I put screening around their seedpods so that the ants don't carry their little seeds away! Also did Chionodoxa forbesii (and found a few more pods than expected).Cypripedium acaule and montanum in the Sand Garden are probably only a week away from blooming, if that! And the Vaccinium myrtilloides appear to be holding their own and coming back after their transplant last spring.
At the pond garden... Calla palustris and Lysimachia terrestris have started to come up in their pots, but no sign of Justicia americana yet. :(
**Germination notes: Ipomoea hederacea and I. 'Heavenly Blue' have already sprouted, planted 5/1. Collinsia parviflora also started, in the dish from the fridge.
The other seeds in the dish from fridge are as follows: Ruellia strepens, Ruellia humilis, Dodecatheon meadia, Dodecatheon hendersonii, Dodecatheon subalpinum, Dodecatheon austrofrigidum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi, Frasera caroliniensis, Dodecatheon meadia alba, Dodecatheon pulchellum, Stylophorum diphyllum, Castilleja coccinea, Corydalis solida, Physostegia virginiana alba, Hydrastis canadensis, Echinacea paradoxa, Echinacea atrorubens, Echinacea pallida, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea tennessennsis, and Lobelia kalmii.
Also, removed most of evil Chickweed from Sand Garden!
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