Saturday, May 5, 2007

Some seedlings...

Today, I planted the following seedlings from the plant on 5/1 into the Main Garden: Centaurea macrocephala, Hibiscus coccineus, Borago officinalis, Agrostemma githago, Hibiscus cannabinus, and Borago officinalis alba. Also planted some assorted Mimulus (guttatus and/or lutea) and Veronica anagallis-aquatica in both the Pond Area and the Woodland Area 2 - these were from seeds planted early in April.

Planted remaining Lithospermum arvense around the yard, and one more in Main Garden. Planted 2 Lilium longiflorum in Main Garden also.

Dodecatheon subalpinum and Dodecatheon jeffreyi started sprouting in dish from fridge.

Took out Acanthus mollis and Acanthus spinosus from moist soil dish, as A. mollis appeared to be rotting somehow already. Didn't want the same to happen with A. spinosus.

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