Thursday, May 31, 2007

Warm again

Today was warm again, near 90, but mostly cloudy.

**Germination notes: Aristolochia tomentosa came up in dish from 5/6. In 5/27 dish, Garden Balsam, Malva moschata alba, Ceratotheca triloba, Malva alcea fastigiata, Leonotis leonuris, and Hedysarum alpinum came up.

Planted some Calypso bulbosa seeds in a small container today, using peaty-like soil from a Cedar swamp, and distilled water to make moist. Now, just have to play the waiting game for three years or so ;-)

In the Main Garden, Anemone canadensis, Dianthus gratianopolitanus, and Papaver orientale are in full bloom:

Still no rain, unfortunately.

Raked up and added a few pine needles to the Acid Area.

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