Monday, May 7, 2007

New Pictures!

It's much warmer today, and very nice out! Although probably not real true, it feels like the plants have changed just since yesterday with the warmer temperatures today.

**Germination notes: Dodecatheon pulchellum and Dodecatheon meadia have sprouted in the dish from the fridge (4/15). Abelmoschus manihot has sprouted in dish planted in moist soil on 5/1; Silene regia, Asclepias subulata, Blue Flax, Crotalaria spectabilis, Cypress Vine, and Phacelia tanacetifolia have started to germinate in dish from 5/6.

Put screening around seedpods of: 2 Cardamine bulbosa, 2 Hepatica americana, 1 Dentaria laciniata, 2 Isopyrum biternatum and 1 Viola pubescens. Also noticed some seeds in screen of Claytonia virginica - it worked! :)

I believe that the Ground Cherry from up north (not sure of species) is coming up in the Sand Area - something is, anyway; also saw leaves of Coptis trifolia coming back there, too, today but I think it needs a wetter and more acidic place to thrive.

Anyway, here are some new pictures!

The Woodland Area 1 is in full bloom with Trilliums, Mitellas, and Jack-in-the-Pulpits... and little ferns filling in the gaps.

The Cypripedium acaule in the Sand Garden are now just a day or two away from full bloom, as long as temperatures stay warm!
On the other hand, in the Main Garden, Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens is in full bloom!

The Forget-me-Nots are all blooming also, and are a very pretty blue - unfortunately, I'm not sure of the species.
Jeffersonia diphylla (top) and Sanguinaria canadensis have already lost their blooms, but now have their nice (odd) leaves to take over the job!

Finally, the finished picture of the fence at Sand Garden... much will be happening here in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

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