Thursday, May 31, 2007
Warm again
**Germination notes: Aristolochia tomentosa came up in dish from 5/6. In 5/27 dish, Garden Balsam, Malva moschata alba, Ceratotheca triloba, Malva alcea fastigiata, Leonotis leonuris, and Hedysarum alpinum came up.
Planted some Calypso bulbosa seeds in a small container today, using peaty-like soil from a Cedar swamp, and distilled water to make moist. Now, just have to play the waiting game for three years or so ;-)
In the Main Garden, Anemone canadensis, Dianthus gratianopolitanus, and Papaver orientale are in full bloom:
Still no rain, unfortunately.
Raked up and added a few pine needles to the Acid Area.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Still no rain...
Got two new bales of Sphagnum peat today, and a smaller bale, also, incase the others aren't enough... now just need the rain!
Collected seeds in screening from one of the bagged Hepatica americana in Main Garden.
Moved Asclepias exaltata plant from Main Garden to Sand Area.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Warm and sunny
The Acid Area seems to be doing well, but it is a bit difficult to gauge, since all the plants are evergreens. Here is a picture:
Epigaea repens is doing well there so far, it seems:
Planted Collinsia verna seeds in Woodland Area 1 and Woodland Area 2. Planted Claytonia sibirica from 5/8 in Woodland Area 2.
Planted Hydrophyllum canadense in woodland part of Sand Area. Moved a piece of Goodyera pubescens and Goodyera oblongifolia to Acid Area.
Planted the following new seeds in the same dish from 2 days ago: Euphorbia marginata, Allium aflatunense, Nemophila menziesii, Liatris spicata, alba, Nemophila maculata, Cynanchum laeve, Nemophila menziesii 'Black Penny', Manfreda virginica, Dorycnium hirsutuum, Cynoglossum amabile, Leonotis leonuris, Oenothera macrocarpa, Liatris ligulistylis, Salvia penstemonoides, Scutellaria incana, Epilobium dodonaei, Habranthus tubispathus, Lilium formosanum, Amaryllis sp., Scutellaria pontica, Argentine Rain Lily, Lychnis arkwrightii, Primula 'Sunset Shades', Lewisia cotyledon, Oenothera pallida 'Innocence', Oenothera macrosceles, Aster alpinus, Agastache 'Honey Bee Blue', Scutellaria serrata, Anagallis monellii, Delphinium nudicaule, Rock Soapwort, Lychnis flos-jovis, Scutellaria lateriflora, Hedysarum alpinum, Meconopsis betonicifolis, Liatris sp.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Happy Memorial Day!
Today was sunny and about 75... adding more to the dryness, unfortunately!
Planted Castilleja coccinea seedlings in Sand Area from fridge dish (4/15).
Planted Galax urceolata, Corydalis sempervirens, and a Platanthera species in acid area, and moved several very-near-death Chimaphila maculata there, too.
Planted some new seeds in a dish with wet soil, and put in fridge. Haven't decided yet how long to leave it in - at least 4 weeks, if not 8+. The seeds were as follows: Fritillaria michailovskyi, Asclepias asperula, Lithospermum officinalis, Asclepias viridis, Fritillaria olivieri, Asclepias sullivantii, Echinacea purpurea alba, Melanthium virginicum, Fritillaria pallidiflora, Asclepias texana, Fritillaria imperialis, Dicentra spectabilis alba, Fritillaria thessala ionica, Fritillaria raddeana, Lilium philadelphicum, Fritillaria acmopetala, Asclepias fruticosa, Arisaema consanguineum, Echinacea atrorubens, Asclepias hirtella, Echinacea angustifolia, Lithospermum multiflorum, Lilium washingtonianum, Zizia aptera, Lilium columbianum, Echinacea tennesseensis, Veratrum nigrum, Fritillaria messanensis gracilis, Dracunculus vulgaris, Veratrum album, Fritillaria latifolia, Asclepias viridiflora, Fritillaria meleagris, Dicentra 'Golden Heart', Fritillaria camschatcensis, Gillenia stipulata, Ruellia humilis, Fritillaria pontica, Asclepias tuberosa, Arum alpinum, Chelone obliqua, Fritillaria bythynica, Lilium canadense, Echinacea pallida, Ariaseam amurense, Lilium superbum, Frasera caroliniensis, Fritillaria involucrata, Ruellia strepens, Arisaema ciliatum, Gillenia trifoliata, Stylophorum diphyllum, Fritillaria montana, Talinum calycinum, Fritillaria graeca graeca, Camassia quamash, Adlumia fungosa, Paris quadrifolia, and Asclepias perennis.
**Germination notes: Caltha leptosepala germinated in dish from 5/8. Ceratotheca triloba and Callirhoe involucrata came up in 5/6 dish.
Noticed what may be a very small Epigaea repens coming up under the Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens in Sand Area.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Planted Asphodeline lutea and Calochortus venustus from 5/1 dish in Pond Area. From wet paper towel, planted Asclepias hallii in Sand Area and Asclepias subulata on side of garage.
The Geranium robertianum are in full bloom in both the Main Garden, and Woodland Area 1:
Iris sibirica has also started blooming in the Main Garden:
Finished the acid area today! Added a bale of Sphagnum peat to the existing sand, and also a few buckets of dirt from an area known have very acidic soil. Planted Epigaea repens, Chimaphila umbellata, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtilloides, Polygala paucifolia, Gaultheria procumbens, Hieracium venosum, a Club Moss species, and also moved a few ailing Chimaphila maculata into the area, in hopes that they will do better in an acidic area. With a little luck, and a lot of watering, the plants just might survive! Wish them luck! ;-) Pictures will follow...
Given the fairly good success of last time, decided to plant another wave of seeds... In a dish with moist soil, planted: Aquilegia caerulea, Allium flavum, Salvia regeliana, Allium fistulosum, Iris virginica shreevei, Allium 'Purple Sensation', Aquilegia clematiflora, Polemonium caeruleum, Nicandra physalodes, Phacelia campanularia, Malva moschata alba, Malva sylvestris zebrina, Yucca whipplei, Aquilegia bertolonii, Polemonium caeruleum alba, Bupleurum griffithii, Malva sylvestris 'Brave Heart', Stachys macrantha, Aquilegia flabellata, Anoda cristata 'Oval Cup', Ipomopsis rubra, Garden Balsam, Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph', Viola labradorica, Ceratotheca triloba, Agave parviflora, Dracocephalum moldavicum, Allium tuberosum, Bells of Ireland, Solanum citrullifolium, Polemonium 'Beautiful', Cerastium tomentosum, Ipomopsis longiflora, Veronica sp., Loasa triphylla, Argemone mexicana, Sisymbrium luteum, Stachys monieri, Allium humile, Aquilegia formosa, Escobaria vivipara, Conanthera trimaculata, Polemonium acutiflorum, Stachys philippiana, Cephalaria dipsacoides, Aquilegia 'William Guiness', Iris prismatica, Yellow Columbine, Sisyrinchium striatum, Cynoglossum germanicum, Aquilegia atrata, Gentiana lutea, Allium stellatum, Iris setosa, Semiaquilegia ecalcarata, Polemonium pulcherrimum, Showy Tick Trefoil, Allium cernuum, Phacelia congesta, Prickly Poppy, Stachys grandiflora, Allium cristophii, Helleborus orientalis, Polemonium pauciflorum, Impatiens balfourii, Dracocephalum ruyschianum, Stokesia laevis, Argemone grandiflora, Bush Clover, Allium azureum, Oxalis acetosella, Allium atropurpurea, Malva alcea fastigiata, Polemonium brandegeei, Malva sylvestris mauritiana, Penstemon cobaea, Adonis aestivalis, Argemone hunnemannii, Lavatera 'Silver Cup', Agave parryi, Salvia roemeriana, Viola riviniana, Agave utahensis, Anemone lesseri, Centaurea bella, Blue Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Hypericum pyramidatum, Viola canina, Stachys minor, Allium sphaerocephalon, Lamb's Ear, Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa', Large Blazing Star, Salvia coccinea 'Lady in Red', Glaucium flavum, Delphinium glaucum, Lychnis chalcedonica, Veronica chamaedrys, Trollius europus, Calochorus nuttallii, Milkweed Vine, Amsonia illustris, Mexican Sunflower, Morina longifolia, Amsonia hubrichtii, Tragopogon porrifolius, Coral Bean, Iris pseudocorus, Amsonia orientalis, Orange Cosmos, Silphium laciniatum, Amsonia salacifolia, and Silphium perfoliatum. Germination notes will follow, as usual! :) I will be planting more very soon... especially those that need some time in the fridge!
**Germination notes: Meconopsis grandis came up in 5/6 dish.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Gloomy and cooler
Got Collinsia verna seeds today.
Planted the following from 5/6 dish:
Orange Candy Lily, Asclepias physocarpa, Love-in-a-Mist and Solanum elaegnifolium in Pond Area.
Sidalcea candida, Elephant's Foot, Asclepias verticillata, Delphinium virescens, Consolida ajacis, Delphinium delavayi, Centranthus ruber, and Galeopsis segetum in Sand Area.
Iliamna remota and Bergenia cordifolia in Woodland Area 2.
Planted Desmanthus illinoensis and Asclepias latifolia in Sand Area and Centaurea macrocephala in Pond Area, all from wet paper towel.
Put Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenia purpurea venosa, Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla, Darlingtonia californica, Sarracenia flava rugelii and Sarracenis leucophylla in the fridge in bags with wet sphagnum.
Also some new plants for the bog: Polygala lutea, a Spiranthes species, a Calopogon species, Pogonia ophioglossoides, and a Vaccinium species.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Unfortunately, not much more can be done with the bog until it rains. However, did add 3 bags of sand to it, and a few more pine needles.
Also prepared acid area by removing most of the sod from the area. More tomorrow, hopefully!
Put following seeds in distilled water to soak for about a day: Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenia purpurea venosa, Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla, Sarracenia leucophylla, Sarracenia flava rugelli, and Darlingtonia californica. Also planted Dionaea muscipula seeds in wet Sphagnum.
Planted Trillium grandiflorum in woodland part of Sand Area.
Also planted several clumps of Polygala paucifolia, Vaccinium myrtilloides, and Gaultheria procumbens in Sand Area.
Took 2 pots out of the pond today in a plan to let the soil dry out... hopefully it will kill whatever bugs ate the Justicia americana, because they are very present in the pots, and it would probably be a bad idea to plant new plants in them while there are so many.
**Germination notes: Asclepias subulata, Asclepias latifolia, Asclepias hallii, Desmanthus illinoensis, and Centaurea macrocephala all germinated in wet papertowel! Orange Candy Lily, Asclepias physocarpa, Delphinium delavayi and Kitaibela vitifolia came up in 5/6 dish.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Warm and sunny
Got 4 new bales of Sphagnum, and 5 bags of sand for the bog area and acid area. Added 2 bales to bog, and will let soak overnight.
Also got a Darlingtonia californica plant, which will be added to the bog as soon as it is ready.
**Germination notes: Love-in-a-mist came up in 5/6 dish.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Planted Caltha palustris and Iris fulva in the Pond. Also planted Iris fulva and Cypripedium kentuckiense in Woodland Area 2. Planted Asclepias exaltata in Sand Area.
Prepared acid area a bit by raking out much of the old, dead sod.
Collected seeds from screening around Chionodoxa forbesii and Hepatica acutiloba - ants were on the Chionodoxa, but the couldn't carry the seeds away! Put seeds in fridge to store.
**Germination notes: Sidalcea candida came up in dish from 5/6. Calochortus venustus came up in dish from 5/1.
Most importantly, got some of the bog ready! Here are some pics...
The various liners...
This is after the liners were tucked in, and rain water added.
Next came 2 bales of Sphagnum peat... this is after they soaked for a few hours. Stay tuned... more very soon! (That little bit of live Sphagnum on the far end will soon have much more to join it!) Planted a few Smilacina trifolia and a Medeola virginiana in bog temporarily - they'll store better here I think, even though it isn't finished yet.
Abelmoschus manihot and Borago officinalis from 5/9 dish were moldy - soaked the Borago, and threw the Albemoschus out.
Planted a few seeds of Asclepias subulata, Asclepias latifolia, Asclepias hallii, Desmanthus illinoensis, and Centaurea macrocephala in wet papertowel.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Orobanche uniflora stems planted last week look to have disappeared, and that isn't normal. Only time will tell what happened to them for sure.
Planted some new things today, all in Sand Area:
Nuttalanthus canadensis, Epigaea repens, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, a Senecio species, Polygala polygama, Artemisia campestris, Corydalis sempervirens, Melampyrum lineare, a violet-like plant, a Goldenrod species, and a Few-Leaf Sunflower. Hopefully they'll do well - it is supposed to be very hot and sunny the next couple of days!
Also, a few new plants being held until conditions are right in the bog: Medeola virginiana, Clintonia borealis, Coptis trifoliata, and Streptopus lanceolatus.
Have also a Caltha palustris to plant in the pond.
**Germination notes: Iliamna remota germinated in 5/6 dish.
Sub-post: [Looks like summer is around the corner with this weather. Another sunny and warm beautiful day!]
Monday, May 21, 2007
New Sphagnum
Also, some new plants being held in abeyance until the bog is just ready for them: Trientalis borealis, Linnaea borealis, Smilacina trifolia, and Medeola virginiana.
**Germination notes: Solanum elaegnifolium, Delphinium virescens, and Wild Basil germinated in 5/6 dish. Claytonia sibirica germinated in 5/1 dish (planted 5/8).
Subpost: [Right now, it is 58 degrees with a slight wind and very cloudy. Hope it warms up soon. My awesome sister is going to the Toledo Zoo, and would love to enjoy some nice weather.]
Sunday, May 20, 2007
More plants!
**Germination notes: Asphodeline lutea came up in dish from 5/1.
Subpost: [Absolutely beautiful weather today!! Sunny and warm. Cant beat that with a stick!!]
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The bog is coming soon!
Also, got some new plants... some Viola macloskeyi and Brasenia schreberi. Also, got some Calypso bulbosa seeds - very anxious to try them!
Subpost: [Today the weather was beautiful. Started out with some clouds and rain, then turned into a sunny and warm day. Highs reaching 78 degrees F.]
Friday, May 18, 2007
Not much to report today...
Subpost: [A turn in the weather, looks likes it is going to be quite sunny today, still a little chilly, but much better than yesterday!]
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Cold again
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Gloom City
Planted Hibiscus coccineus from 5/9 dish in area in back with Hibiscuses and in Pond Area.
Noticed recently that Jeffersonia diphylla was losing some of its bottom leaves - decided to dig it up today to make sure it wasn't getting bug (didn't want a repeat of what happened with Justicia americana!) - found a slug at the base, and I'm sure there were more previously! I decided to move it to an area, still in Woodland Area 1, that gets less water when it rains.
Added Orobanche uniflora to the Sand Garden. Hopefully it survives!
**Germination notes: Elephant's Foot and Consolida ajacis came up in 5/6 dish.
Moved dishes from 5/6 and 5/1 outside.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Attempted to hand-pollinate 2 Iris cristata flowers; also, all 3 Cypripedium acaule flowers, this time I was able to find the pollen! Results on all will follow.
**Germination notes: in dish from 5/6 Asclepias curassavica, Salvia lyrata, Asclepias verticillata, and Centranthus ruber germinated. All remaining Sweet Pea seeds were rotting and had to be removed. Manfreda virginica germinated in dish from 5/1.
Planted the following from 5/6 dish:
Asclepias curassavica, Knautia (white), Oenothera macrocarpa, Penstemon triflorus, Cleome serrulata, Dracocephalum tanguticum and Talinum paniculatum in Pond Area.
Liatris pychnostachya, Campanula americana, Geum triflorum, Scilla autumnalis, and Monarda clinopodia in Sand Area.
They haven't germinated yet, but took 3 Tropaeolum peregrinum seeds out of 5/6 dish and planted in Vine Area - don't want them to rot! Also, noticed what may be this plant already coming up in Vine Area (from seeds planted either early spring or late winter)!
Planted Manfreda virginica from 5/1 dish in Sand Garden.
Collected seeds in screening on Claytonia virginica: a fairly good amount! Next year, I will have to screen more pods!
Raked up more pine needles, that happened to be falling from the White Pine for use in the bog and acid garden.
Monday, May 14, 2007
As promised, here is a picture of Asarum canadense from Woodland Area 2.
Centaurea montana has been blooming in the Main Garden for a few days now...
The Cypredium montanum in the Sand Area was looking particularly nice today...
The rabbits or squirrels felt it was necessary to chew off the head of one of the my new Castilleja coccinea and leave it laying on the ground. I wish there was something I could do to stop them! Fortunately, it was the wilted one they chewed (although, it was better now - the stem was still bent, but not floppy anymore).
Also did a little more with the preparation for the bog garden... dug out the rest, and sprayed off the sides to make them hold together.
**Germination notes: In the dish from 5/6, the following came up: Liatris pychnostachya, Draceocephalum tanguticum, Cleome serrulata, Scilla autumnalis, and Monarda punctata.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Still cooler...
Took a walk at Mason - still no morels, 3 ticks, though!
**Germination notes: Hibiscus coccineus came up in wet dish from 5/9. Malvaviscus drummondii, Penstemon triflorus, Bergenia cordifolia, Knautia (white) and Geum triflorum in dish from 5/6.
Planted 2 Krigia biflora in Sand Area; 1 Podophyllum peltatum, 2 Erythronium americanum, and 1 Arisaema triphyllum in new woodland part of Sand Area; 1 Caltha palustris in Pond. Moved 2 Nuttalanthus canadensis plants from sand area behind garage to Sand Area. Decided to plant Veratrum californicum in Woodland Area 1, it seems it does get quite a bit more sun than I thought this time of year, so it should work well for it.
Planted seedlings of:
Borago officinalis alba, Hibiscus cannabinus and Agrostemma githago from 5/9 dish in Pond Area, and 1 Borago officinalis alba in Main Garden.
Ipomoea lindheimeri and Mina lobata from 5/9 dish in Vine Area.
Dodecatheon meadia and Castilleja coccinea from fridge dish in Sand Area.
Malvaviscus drummondii, Tinantia erecta, Commelina dianthifolia, Salvia penstemonoides, Emilia coccinea, Oenothera 'Innocence', Silene dioica, and Lychnis coronaria alba in Pond Area.
Hibiscus laevis from 5/6 dish in area with other Hibiscuses in back.
Lychnis coronaria from 5/6 dish in Main Garden.
Polemonium reptans and Limnanthes douglasii from 5/6 dish in Woodland Area 2.
Agastache scrophulariifolia, Galeopsis pubescens, Galeopsis ladanum, and Monarda bradburiana from 5/6 dish in Sand Area.
Took screening off of Scilla sibirica - doesn't look like it developed any seeds. :(
Lychnis flos-cuculi started blooming on the side of the house - grew from seed last year.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Planted 2 Lysichiton americanus in Pond. Hope the nematodes don't get them, too! :(
Also tried to hand-pollinate the Cypripedium acaule flowers and Iris cristata, but couldn't find much pollen... perhaps it isn't there yet.
**Germination notes: Tinantia erecta, Salvia penstemonoides, Hibiscus laevis, Campanula americana, and Talinum paniculatum germinated in dish from 5/6. Borago officinalis alba and Agrostemma githago sprouted in dish from 5/9.
Noticed that what I thought was Viola macloskeyi coming back in Woodland Area 1 is actually not, but some other unknown purple violet - however, I did noticed a small Viola macloskeyi plant blooming under the Trillium patch!
Tonight is supposed to be rather cold (in the mid-30's) but very windy, I hope nothing gets frosted!
Friday, May 11, 2007
New Plants...
Next, Cypripedium montanum is now in full bloom.
Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens is still lingering, too...
These Iris cristata snuck up on me... I knew the plants were there, but the blooms were a nice surprise, as they had never bloomed for me yet.
Some new plants today...
Planted a clump of Vancouveria hexandra, 4 Erythronium grandiflorum, 2 Goodyera oblongifolia, and Lysichiton americanus in Woodland Area 1.
Planted several Zigadenus elegans, 3 Erythronium grandiflorum and 2 of a Dodecatheon species (pulchellum or hendersonii, not sure which) in the Sand Area.
Also have a Veratrum californicum, but haven't decided where to put it yet.
Planted seedlings of Ipomoea hederacea, 2 Lablab purpurascens and Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue' in Vine Area. Also, put Dodecatheon meadia alba and Dodecatheon pulchellum seedlings in Sand Area, as well as 2 Ruellia seedlings (either strepens or humilis, only time will tell which). Planted 3 Lupinus texensis and 2 Lupinus perennis in sand area behind garage, and 4 Cassia fasciculata in Sand Area.
Also started digging the area that will be the bog garden!
Finally, put screening around 1 Viola pubescens pod, and 1 Hepatica acutiloba.
**Germination notes: Ipomoea lindheimeri, Mina lobata and Hibiscus cannabinus sprouted in dish from 5/9. Oenothera macrocarpa, Emilia coccinea, Galeopsis pubescens, Galeopsis ladanum, Monarda bradburiana, and Monarda clinopodia germinated in dish from 5/6.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Spoils of rain
This Castilleja coccinea plant looks ok, despite transplant, but the others look a bit wilted...
And the Cypripedium acaule are finally in full bloom!
**Germination notes: Ipomoea hederacea and Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue' germinated in new dish. In the dish from 5/6, Asclepias asperula, Mirabilis multiflora, Limnanthes douglasii, Hackelia floribunda, Mexican petunia, Commelina dianthifolia, Linum lewisii, Asclepias speciosa, Lychnis coronaria, Erysimum capitatum and Silene dioica germinated.
Planted the following seedlings in these areas:
Asclepias asperula, Desmanthus illinoensis, Hackelia floribunda, Centaurea nigra, Mexican Petunia, Silene regia, Asclepias speciosa, Lychnis arkwrightii and Monarda citriodora in Sand Area.
Mirabilis multifolra, Fibigia clypeata, Erysimum capitatum, and Silene coeli-rosa in Pond Area.
Linum lewisii and Collinsia heterophylla in Woodland Area 2.
White Sweet Pea behind the garage.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
There was some much needed rain (and much loved thunder) for much of the day.
Planted 3 Dodecatheon jeffreyi and 3 Dodecatheon subalpinum and 1 of each Echinacea paradoxa and Echinacea atrorubens in Sand Area; 2 Dodecatheon subalpinum and 2 Dodecatheon jeffreyi in Woodland Area 2. All from fridge dish (in 4/15).
Some new plants today: Several Castilleja coccinea, 1 Trillium undulatum, 1 Galax aphylla, and 1 Viola saggitata planted in Sand Area. Planted a Veratrum viride and Phlox stolonifera in Woodland Area 2, and a P. stolonifera also in Woodland Area 1 and the Main Garden. Planted Trillium erectum, Trillium erectum luteum, Trillium pusillum, Trillium catesbaei, Trillium vaseyi, Hepatica acutiloba, Asarum europaeum, and Caulophyllum thalictroides in Woodland Area 1. Lots of new and interesting plants today!
Noticed that the Vaccinium myrtilloides are coming up more and more from the root in the sand area. The Cypripedium acaule are in full bloom now, and Cypripedium montanum should be tomorrow - but it was too rainy to get pictures.
Found out why Justicia americana (and Pontederia cordata) aren't coming back up in the pond - apparently nematodes got into their roots - lots of 'em! I may be able to salvage the Justicia, as some of the roots look like they're still alive, I cleaned it off and put it in new dirt, so we'll see, but the P. cordata is toast! :(
Decided on a new method (to attempt) growing seeds that need scarifying - scarifying them and then planting them after a soaking rain. I planted the following today in the sandy area behind the garage: Tephrosia virginica, Lupinus arizonicus, Lupinus nootkatensis, Lupinus luteus, Lupinus sparsifolius, Lupinus benthamii, Lupinus bicolor, Lupinus parviflorus, Lupinus albicaulis, Lupinus sericeus, Lupinus arboreus, Lupinus alba, Lupinus polyphyllus and Lupinus hirsutissimus. Also planted Baptisia australis, Baptisia minor, Baptisia sphaerocarpa, Baptisia leucantha and Baptisia leucophaea in the Sand Area.
Finally, planted Salvia lyrata from (5/1 dish) in Pond Area. Planted the following from 5/6 dish in these areas:
Phacelia tanacetifolia, Matthiola incana, Cheiranthus cheiri, and Emilia fosbergii in Pond Area.
Asclepias latifolia and Asclepias hallii in Sand Area.
Clitoria terneata in Vine Area.
Asclepias subulata on side of garage.
**Germination notes: All from 5/6 dish: Asclepias hallii, Fibigia clypeata, Desmanthus illinoensis, Centaurea nigra, Clitoria terneata, Asclepias latifolia, White Sweet Pea, Lychnis arkwrightii, Polemonium reptans, Matthiola incana, Cheiranthus cheiri, Agastache scrophulariifolia, Emilia fosbergii, Collinsia heterophylla, Oenothera pallida 'Innocence', Lychnis coronaria alba, and Monarda citriodora.
Put 1 Lupinus littoralis and and 3 Lupinus texensis seeds in water to soak overnight, and scarified 2 Lupinus perennis seeds. Also put 2 Lablab purpurascens and 4 Cassia fasisculata seeds in water for overnight.
Planted a few more seeds in moist soil, so that I can take better care of the seedlings and labeled them once planted this time: Mina lobata, Hibiscus cannabinus, Hibiscus coccineus, Ipomoea lindheimeri, Ipomoea hederacea, Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue', Collinsia parviflora, Borago officinalis, Borago officinalis alba, Abelmoschus manihot and Agrostemma githago.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Warmer! But also dry :(
I noticed Streptopus lanceolatus finally coming up in Main Garden!
Asarum canadense is about to bloom in Woodland Area 2.... pictures will follow.
**Germination notes: Salvia lyrata started coming up in moist soil dish from 5/1. Centrosema virginiana, Hedysarum alpinum, and Silene coeli-rosa started coming up in dish from 5/6.
Planted Abelmoschus manihot (from 5/1 dish) and 2 Crotolaria spectabilis (from 5/6 dish) seedlings in Main Garden and 2 C. spectabilis in Sand Area; also 3 Blue Flax from 5/6 in Woodland Area 2; 4 Centrosema virginiana and 2 Cypress Vine in Vine Area.
Planted to following new seeds in moist soil dish, all had been in the fridge previously: Oxalis violacea, Mertensia campanulata, Tofieldia glutinosa, Mertensia oblongifolia, Jeffersonia dubia, Parnassia glauca, Claytonia sibirica, Mertensia lanceolata, Caltha leptosepala, and Hepatica acutiloba. As usual, germination notes will follow... although, I am skeptical that these will produce too many; most are short shelf-life seeds.
Monday, May 7, 2007
New Pictures!
**Germination notes: Dodecatheon pulchellum and Dodecatheon meadia have sprouted in the dish from the fridge (4/15). Abelmoschus manihot has sprouted in dish planted in moist soil on 5/1; Silene regia, Asclepias subulata, Blue Flax, Crotalaria spectabilis, Cypress Vine, and Phacelia tanacetifolia have started to germinate in dish from 5/6.
Put screening around seedpods of: 2 Cardamine bulbosa, 2 Hepatica americana, 1 Dentaria laciniata, 2 Isopyrum biternatum and 1 Viola pubescens. Also noticed some seeds in screen of Claytonia virginica - it worked! :)
I believe that the Ground Cherry from up north (not sure of species) is coming up in the Sand Area - something is, anyway; also saw leaves of Coptis trifolia coming back there, too, today but I think it needs a wetter and more acidic place to thrive.
Anyway, here are some new pictures!
The Woodland Area 1 is in full bloom with Trilliums, Mitellas, and Jack-in-the-Pulpits... and little ferns filling in the gaps.
The Cypripedium acaule in the Sand Garden are now just a day or two away from full bloom, as long as temperatures stay warm!
On the other hand, in the Main Garden, Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens is in full bloom!
The Forget-me-Nots are all blooming also, and are a very pretty blue - unfortunately, I'm not sure of the species.
Jeffersonia diphylla (top) and Sanguinaria canadensis have already lost their blooms, but now have their nice (odd) leaves to take over the job!
Finally, the finished picture of the fence at Sand Garden... much will be happening here in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Echinacea atrorubens, Echinacea paradoxa, and Castilleja coccinea sprouted in the dish from the fridge.
Planted Asclepias purpurascens in Sand Garden.
Also noticed Asclepias purpurascens, A. exaltata and A. incarnata coming up in Main Garden.
OK, I got in a seed planting mood tonight, so I planted a rather huge number of seeds, again in moist dirt. I plan to plant them as soon as they germinate, and after a few weeks, I will stick them in the fridge, hoping some will still come up after I take them out. Germination notes will follow, here's the list:
Adlumia fungosa, Agastache scrophulariifolia, Aristolochia elegans, Asclepias asperula, Asclepias curassavica, Asclepias fruticosa, Asclepias hallii, Asclepias hirtella, Asclepias humistrata, Asclepias latifolia, Asclepias physocarpa, Asclepias speciosa, Asclepias subulata, Asclepias sullivantii, Asclepias verticillata, Asclepias viridiflora, Asclepias virids, Aster alpinus, Aureolaria virginica, Bergenia cordifolia, Blephilia hirsuta, Callirhoe digitata, Campanula americana, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Castilleja applegatei, Castilleja chromosa, Castilleja hispida, Castilleja integra, Castilleja sessiliflora, Castilleja sulphurea, Centaurea nigra, Centranthus ruber, Centrosema virginiana, Ceratothica triloba, Cheiranthes cheiri, Clematis pitcherii, Cleome hassleriana, Clinopodium vulgare, Clitoria mariana (?), Clitoria ternatea, Collinsia heterophylla, Commelina dianthifolia, Consolida ajacis, Corydalis aurea, Corydalis lutea, Corydalis solida, Crotalaria spectabilis, Cuphea viscosissima, Cyclamen hederifolium, Cynoglossum amabile, Dalea aurea, Dalea purpurea, Dalea villosa, Delphinium delavayi, Delphinium nutallianum, Delphinium tricorne, Delphinium virescens, Desmanthus illinoensis, Dicentra macrocapnos, Dracocephalum tanguticum, Elephantopus sp., Emilia coccinea, Emilia fosbergii, Erysimum capitatum, Fibigia clypeata, Galanthus nivalis, Galeopsis ladanum, Galeopsis pubescens, Galeopsis segetum, Galeopsis speciosa, Geum triflorum, Gilia capitata, Hackelia floribunda, Hedysarum alpinum, Hemerocallis ‘Stella D'oro’, Hibiscus laevis, Hieracium maculatum, Iliamna remota, Ipomoea quamoclit, Kitaibela vitifolia, Knautia (white), Lathyrus latifolius albus, Lathyrus latifolius, Liatris liguistylis, Liatris pychnostachya, Liatris sp., Liatris spicata alba, Lilium martagon, Limnanthes douglasii, Linum lewisii, Linum perenne, Lithospermum officinale, Lychnis arkwrightii, Lychnis coronaria alba, Lychnis coronaria, Malvaviscus drummondii, Matthiola incana, Meconopsis grandis, Merremia dissecta, Mirabilis multiflora, Monarda bradburiana, Monarda citriodora, Monarda clinopodia, Monarda punctata, Nigella damascena, Oenothera macrocarpa, Oenothera pallida 'Innocence', Ornithogalum pyramidale, Paeonia mascula, Paeonia mlokosewitschii, Paeonia tenuifolia, Pardancanda (orange), Pardancanda (yellow), Passiflora lutea, Pedicularis groenlandica, Penstemon triflorus, Phacelia tanacetifolia, Phlox pilosa, Polemonium reptans, Polygala senega, Ruellia brittoniana, Salvia lyrata, Salvia penstemonoides, Saponaria ocymoides, Schizostylis coccinea, Scilla autumnalis, Sidalcea candida, Silene coeli-rosa, Silene dioica, Silene nivea, Silene regia, Silene stellata, Solanum elaegnifolium, Stokesia laevis, Talinum paniculatum, Tinantia erecta, Trichostema dichotomum, Trientalis europaea, Trifolium grandiflorum, Triteleia hyacinthina, Tropaeolum (orange, double), Tropaeolum (single orange), Tropaeolum (single, red), Tropaeolum peregrinum, Verbena bonariensis, Verbena stricta, Viola pedata, Zigadenus nuttallii, and Zizia aptera.
I told you the list was huge! :)
I uploaded an image of the seed dish, so that it is a little more than just a vacuous list...
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Some seedlings...
Planted remaining Lithospermum arvense around the yard, and one more in Main Garden. Planted 2 Lilium longiflorum in Main Garden also.
Dodecatheon subalpinum and Dodecatheon jeffreyi started sprouting in dish from fridge.
Took out Acanthus mollis and Acanthus spinosus from moist soil dish, as A. mollis appeared to be rotting somehow already. Didn't want the same to happen with A. spinosus.
Friday, May 4, 2007
No morels!
**Germination notes: Centaurea macrocephala, Borago officinalis, Borago officinalis alba and Hibiscus coccineus from 5/1 sprouted.
Also got 2 bales of peat moss for the bog and acid-area.
Took a walk at Mason - no morels there, either! Battled with a five or six ticks, but I won in the end. Put screening around 3 Erythronium americanum pods.
Finished the rest of fence at acid area also; pictures will follow.
Several new plants for today: 1 Pedicularis lanceolata, 2 Pedicularis canadensis, 2 Cardamine bulbosa, 1 Lythrum alatum, and 1 Ludwigia alternifolia - planted in Woodland Area 2; 2 plants (a male and a female) of Thalictrum dioicum - planted in Woodland Area 1.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Sand Garden changes...
I noticed quite a few seeds coming up in the sand garden - including some that may be Spergularia rubra - but I'm still a little disappointed by what's come up, considering how many seeds I planted there. Hopefully, it's still just a little early.
**Germination notes: Lablab purpureus, Ipomoea lindheimeri, Mina lobata, Agrostemma githago, and Hibiscus cannabinus from planting on 5/1 sprouted.
Planted Collinsia parviflora and Mitella pentandra in Woodland Area 2; Mina lobata, Ipomoea hederacea, Ipomoea lindheimeri, Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue' and Lablab purpureus in Vine Area.
Took a walk in front woods: put screening on 3 Sanguinaria canadensis and 5 Erythronium americanum seed pods.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
A Spring Day
Chelidonium majus started blooming today for the first time:
The Claytonia virginica are still persisting, and I put screening around their seedpods so that the ants don't carry their little seeds away! Also did Chionodoxa forbesii (and found a few more pods than expected).
Cypripedium acaule and montanum in the Sand Garden are probably only a week away from blooming, if that! And the Vaccinium myrtilloides appear to be holding their own and coming back after their transplant last spring.
At the pond garden... Calla palustris and Lysimachia terrestris have started to come up in their pots, but no sign of Justicia americana yet. :(
**Germination notes: Ipomoea hederacea and I. 'Heavenly Blue' have already sprouted, planted 5/1. Collinsia parviflora also started, in the dish from the fridge.
The other seeds in the dish from fridge are as follows: Ruellia strepens, Ruellia humilis, Dodecatheon meadia, Dodecatheon hendersonii, Dodecatheon subalpinum, Dodecatheon austrofrigidum, Dodecatheon jeffreyi, Frasera caroliniensis, Dodecatheon meadia alba, Dodecatheon pulchellum, Stylophorum diphyllum, Castilleja coccinea, Corydalis solida, Physostegia virginiana alba, Hydrastis canadensis, Echinacea paradoxa, Echinacea atrorubens, Echinacea pallida, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea tennessennsis, and Lobelia kalmii.
Also, removed most of evil Chickweed from Sand Garden!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
First Post
Trillium flexipes (white form)
Trillium recurvatum
Tiarella cordifolia
Yesterday (4/30), took piece of T. cordifolia and planted in Woodland Garden 1.
Also, planted [only] 1 of each of the following seeds in dish with moist soil:
Abelmoschus manihot, Acanthus mollis, Acanthus spinosus, Adonis aestivalis, Agrostemma githago, Anthyllis vulneraria coccinea, Arisaema amurense, Arisaema ciliatum, Arisaema consanguineum, Arum italicum, Asphodeline lutea, Borago officinalis alba, Borago officinalis, Calochortus nuttallii, Calochortus venustus, Centaurea macrocephala, Crotalaria spectabilis, Cyclamen hederifolium, Cynoglossum germanicum, Cynoglossum grande, Dracunculus vulgaris, Euphorbia marginata, Gentiana lutea, Hibiscus cannabinus, Hibiscus coccineus, Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue', Ipomoea hederacea, Ipomoea lindheimeri, Lablab purpureus, Lilium formosanum, Malva moschata alba, Manfreda virginica, Mina lobata, Moluccella laevis, Morina longiflora, Oenothera macrocarpa, Physostegia virginiana alba, Salvia lyrata, Stachys byzantina, Sylibum marianum, Tithonia rotundifolia, Tragopogon porrifolius, Zigadenus elegans, and Zigadenus nuttallii.
Took seeds out of fridge from 4-15-07. Will see if they have been in long enough.
Germination notes on all will follow... Sent order to Wildflower Nursery.
Planted germinated seeds of Yucca whipplei and some type of Aquilegia on mound by pond Asclepias type in sand area.