Friday, August 24, 2007

Storms, late

Today was sunny for the first half of the day, and muggy and warm - about 85. With late afternoon came thunderstorms with another inch of rain! Fortunately some pictures were taken before the weather went sour...

On the side of the house, Chelone lyonii has started blooming...

In the Acid Area, Chimaphila maculata is finally growing new leaves!

In the bog, Darlingtonia californica has sprouted many new leaves since planted.
Dionaea muscipula also has many new ones - all seen here have come out since planting!
Finally, Polygala lutea has a little tiny flower head, so far... it probably won't do much more!

Noticed today that Calypso bulbosa may be missing from bog :( !!! Suspect: slugs!

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