Put screening around seedpods of Erigenia bulbosa, Erythronium americanum and Sanguinaria canadense.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Planted Cardamine bulbosa in Woodland Garden 2.
Planted Drosera rotundifolia and Pedicularis lanceolata in Bog Garden.
Planted Trillium grandiflorum, Erythronium americanum and Arisaema triphyllum in Woodland Area 3 (woodland part of Sand Area).
Planted seeds of Campanula persicifolia, Campanula takesimana, Campanula incurva, Campanula glomerata, Campanula punctata alba, Campanula persicifolia alba, Campanula punctata, Campanula medium and Campanula latifolia at base of vicory.
Planted seeds of Lupinus bicolor, Lupinus sericeus, Lupinus littoralis, Lupinus sparsifolius, Lupinus parviflorus, Lupinus luteus, Lupinus hirsutissimus, Lupinus rivularia, Lupinus albicaulis, Lupinus arboreus and Lupinus benthamii behind garage.
Drosera rotundifolia is coming back from the winter...
Erythronium americanum is in full bloom, and so are the Trilliums:
Trillium flexipes
Trillium grandiflorum
Planted Drosera rotundifolia and Pedicularis lanceolata in Bog Garden.
Planted Trillium grandiflorum, Erythronium americanum and Arisaema triphyllum in Woodland Area 3 (woodland part of Sand Area).
Planted seeds of Campanula persicifolia, Campanula takesimana, Campanula incurva, Campanula glomerata, Campanula punctata alba, Campanula persicifolia alba, Campanula punctata, Campanula medium and Campanula latifolia at base of vicory.
Planted seeds of Lupinus bicolor, Lupinus sericeus, Lupinus littoralis, Lupinus sparsifolius, Lupinus parviflorus, Lupinus luteus, Lupinus hirsutissimus, Lupinus rivularia, Lupinus albicaulis, Lupinus arboreus and Lupinus benthamii behind garage.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Got Symplocarpus foetidus and planted in Woodland Garden 1 and in Pond.
Planted Asclepias angustifolia seedlings in Prairie Garden, Waste Garden and on side of garage.
Planted Talinum paniculatum, Malvaviscus drummondii, Hibiscus manihot and Leonotis leonurus in Waste Garden.
Planted Cardiospermum halicacabum and Clitoria ternatea in Vine Area.
Planted Erythrina herbacea in front of house.
Anemone quinquefolia is just starting to bloom now.
Symplocarpus foetidus on the other hand is past peak, and leafing out!
Uvularia sessilifolia is also just starting.
Planted Asclepias angustifolia seedlings in Prairie Garden, Waste Garden and on side of garage.
Planted Talinum paniculatum, Malvaviscus drummondii, Hibiscus manihot and Leonotis leonurus in Waste Garden.
Planted Cardiospermum halicacabum and Clitoria ternatea in Vine Area.
Planted Erythrina herbacea in front of house.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Got Oxalis violacea, Pycanthemum clinopodioides and Hydrastis canadensis.
Planted Hydrastis canadensis in vegetable garden and in woodland part of Sand Area.
Planted Pycanthemum clinopodioides in woodland part of Sand Area and in Prairie Garden.
Planted Oxalis violacea in Woodland Garden 1, Woodland Garden 2, and woodland part of Sand Area.
Planted Mitella caulescens seedling from fridge dish 2 in Bog Garden.
Erythronium citrinum started blooming in Woodland Area 1.
Planted Hydrastis canadensis in vegetable garden and in woodland part of Sand Area.
Planted Pycanthemum clinopodioides in woodland part of Sand Area and in Prairie Garden.
Planted Oxalis violacea in Woodland Garden 1, Woodland Garden 2, and woodland part of Sand Area.
Planted Mitella caulescens seedling from fridge dish 2 in Bog Garden.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Planted seedlings of Drosera intermedia, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Pinguicula grandiflora and Pinguicula vulgaris from Fridge Dish 2 in Bog Garden.
Asarum caudatum started blooming in Woodland Area 1.
A white-formed Hepatica americana opened up in the Main Garden. This is the first time I've seen it bloom.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Got Drosera linearis.
Planted Drosera linearis and Mitella pentandra in Bog Garden.
Planted Mertensia pterocarpa in Woodland Garden 1 and at base of vicory.
Claytonia virginiana is blooming in the Main Garden.
Dicentra cucullaria has been blooming for over a week now.
Erythronium americanum is also off to a good start.
Finally, Trillium cuneatum is in full bloom now.
Planted Drosera linearis and Mitella pentandra in Bog Garden.
Planted Mertensia pterocarpa in Woodland Garden 1 and at base of vicory.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Got Sarracenia rubra and Sarracenia leucophylla.
Planted Sarracenia rubra, Sarracenia flava and Sarracenia leucophylla in Bog Garden.
Planted Hexastylis shuttleworthii in Woodland Area 1.
In a very unexpected turn of events - Lilium vollmeri is coming back up in the Sand Area!
Sanguinaria canadensis is also blooming in Woodland Area 1.
Planted Sarracenia rubra, Sarracenia flava and Sarracenia leucophylla in Bog Garden.
Planted Hexastylis shuttleworthii in Woodland Area 1.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Got Hexastylis shuttleworthii and Sarracenia flava.
In Woodland Area 1, Asarum europaeum is blooming.
Also there, Erythronium grandiflorum is just waiting to pop open!
In the Sand Area, Thlaspi caerulescens is blooming nicely!
Trillium cuneatum is also about to pop open.
Finally, in the Acid Area, Vaccinium angustifolium has just been planted.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Got Vaccinium angustifolium, Actaea rubra, Caltha polypetala, Dicentra spectabilis, Pinellia atropurpurea, Pinellia pedatisecta, Asarum lemonii, Ruellia caroliniense and Geum rivale.
Planted Vaccinium angustifolium in Acid Area.
Planted Actaea rubra and Asarum lemmonii in Woodland Area 1.
Planted Caltha polypetala in Bog Garden.
Planted Dicentra spectabilis in Main Garden and at base of vicory.
Planted Pinellia atropurpurea and Pinellia pedatisecta in front of house and in Woodland Area 1.
Planted Ruellia caroliniense in Sand Area.
Planted Geum rivale in Main Garden.
Planted Acanthus hungaricus and Acanthus spinosus seedlings from Fridge dish 1 in Main Garden.
Planted Clematis columbianum seedling from Fridge Dish 1 in Prairie Garden.
Planted Frasera caroliniense seedlings from Fridge Dish 1 in Sand Area and Prairie Garden.
Planted Lilium grayi in Bog Garden and Prairie Garden.
Planted Lithospermum multiflorum seedling from Fridge Dish 1 in Acid Area.
Planted Asclepias perennis from Fridge Dish 1 in Woodland Area 2.
Planted Vaccinium angustifolium in Acid Area.
Planted Actaea rubra and Asarum lemmonii in Woodland Area 1.
Planted Caltha polypetala in Bog Garden.
Planted Dicentra spectabilis in Main Garden and at base of vicory.
Planted Pinellia atropurpurea and Pinellia pedatisecta in front of house and in Woodland Area 1.
Planted Ruellia caroliniense in Sand Area.
Planted Geum rivale in Main Garden.
Planted Acanthus hungaricus and Acanthus spinosus seedlings from Fridge dish 1 in Main Garden.
Planted Clematis columbianum seedling from Fridge Dish 1 in Prairie Garden.
Planted Frasera caroliniense seedlings from Fridge Dish 1 in Sand Area and Prairie Garden.
Planted Lilium grayi in Bog Garden and Prairie Garden.
Planted Lithospermum multiflorum seedling from Fridge Dish 1 in Acid Area.
Planted Asclepias perennis from Fridge Dish 1 in Woodland Area 2.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Planted seeds of Amphicarpaea bracteata, Aristolochia fimbriata, Cobaea scandens, Dicentra macrocapnos, Eccremeocarpus scaber, Ipomoea coccinea, Ipomoea hederacea, Ipomoea lindheimeri, Ipomoaea quamoclit, Ipomoea sloteri, Mina lobata and Tropaeolum peregrinum in Vine Area.
Planted seeds of Abelmoschus manihot, Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus cruentus, Asclepias cancellata, Asclepias fruticosa, Borago officinalis, Euphorbia marginata, Hackelia virginiana, Hibiscus cannabinus, Hibiscus coccineus, Lactuca floridana, Linum usitatissimum, Moluccella laevis, Tinantia erecta and Tithonia rotundifolia in Waste Garden.
The Bog Garden.
The Main Garden.
Planted Calopogon tuberosus and Calopogon tuberosus albus in Bog Garden.
Planted Dodecatheon subalpinum seedlings in Sand Area.
Planted Dodecatheon meadia alba seedlings around pool edge.
Planted Dodecatheon jefferyi seedlings at base of vicory.
Planted Claytonia sibirica seedling in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Scutellaria lateriflora seedlings in Woodland Garden 2.
Planted Asclepias obovata seedling in Acid Area.
Planted Libertia formosa in front of house.
Planted Rain Lilies by Pond.
Planted Passiflora caerulea in Vine Area.
Planted seeds of Abelmoschus manihot, Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus cruentus, Asclepias cancellata, Asclepias fruticosa, Borago officinalis, Euphorbia marginata, Hackelia virginiana, Hibiscus cannabinus, Hibiscus coccineus, Lactuca floridana, Linum usitatissimum, Moluccella laevis, Tinantia erecta and Tithonia rotundifolia in Waste Garden.
Planted Calopogon tuberosus and Calopogon tuberosus albus in Bog Garden.
Planted Dodecatheon subalpinum seedlings in Sand Area.
Planted Dodecatheon meadia alba seedlings around pool edge.
Planted Dodecatheon jefferyi seedlings at base of vicory.
Planted Claytonia sibirica seedling in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Scutellaria lateriflora seedlings in Woodland Garden 2.
Planted Asclepias obovata seedling in Acid Area.
Planted Libertia formosa in front of house.
Planted Rain Lilies by Pond.
Planted Passiflora caerulea in Vine Area.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Planted Trillium vaseyi by the pool, at the base of the vicory, in Woodland Garden 1 and in the woodland area of the Sand Garden.
Planted Dicentra canadensis in the woodland area of the Sand Garden, by the bucket pond, and in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Lithospermum canescens in the Acid Area and the Sand Garden.
Planted Spigelia marilandica in Woodland Garden 1, in the woodland area of the Sand Garden, at the end of the woodpile and in the vegetable garden.
Planted Aplectrum hyemale and Tipularia discolor under the cedar, under the spruce by the bog, in the Main Garden, in the woodland area of the Sand Garden and under the pine in the far back yard.
Planted Fritillaria lanceolata seedlings in the Sand Garden.
Planted Camassia scilloides in the Prairie Garden, the Acid Garden, and by the front porch.
Planted Hydrastis canadensis at the base of the vicory, in Woodland Garden 1 and at the base of the Maple.
Planted Platanthera blephariglottis and another Platanthera sp. in Bog Garden.
Planted Polemonium caeruleum in Main Garden, at base of vicory, in Woodland Garden 2 and on the side of the garage.
Planted Phlox paniculata on the side of the house.
Planted Hybanthus concolor in the vegetable garden, in the woodland part of the Sand Garden, and in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Cynoglossum grande in the Prairie Garden, under the bay window, in the woodland area of the Sand Garden and on the side of the garage.
Planted Cynoglossum virginianum in Woodland Garden 1, Prairie Garden and in the woodland area of the Sand Garden.
Planted Iodanthus pinnatifidus, Chelona obliqua and Geum macrophyllum in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Dicentra canadensis in the woodland area of the Sand Garden, by the bucket pond, and in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Lithospermum canescens in the Acid Area and the Sand Garden.
Planted Spigelia marilandica in Woodland Garden 1, in the woodland area of the Sand Garden, at the end of the woodpile and in the vegetable garden.
Planted Aplectrum hyemale and Tipularia discolor under the cedar, under the spruce by the bog, in the Main Garden, in the woodland area of the Sand Garden and under the pine in the far back yard.
Planted Fritillaria lanceolata seedlings in the Sand Garden.
Planted Camassia scilloides in the Prairie Garden, the Acid Garden, and by the front porch.
Planted Hydrastis canadensis at the base of the vicory, in Woodland Garden 1 and at the base of the Maple.
Planted Platanthera blephariglottis and another Platanthera sp. in Bog Garden.
Planted Polemonium caeruleum in Main Garden, at base of vicory, in Woodland Garden 2 and on the side of the garage.
Planted Phlox paniculata on the side of the house.
Planted Hybanthus concolor in the vegetable garden, in the woodland part of the Sand Garden, and in Woodland Garden 1.
Planted Cynoglossum grande in the Prairie Garden, under the bay window, in the woodland area of the Sand Garden and on the side of the garage.
Planted Cynoglossum virginianum in Woodland Garden 1, Prairie Garden and in the woodland area of the Sand Garden.
Planted Iodanthus pinnatifidus, Chelona obliqua and Geum macrophyllum in Woodland Garden 1.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Got Cypripedium arietinum, Cypripedium fasciculatum, Kalmia latifolia and Hexastylis virginica.
Planted Kalmia latifolia in Sand Area.
Planted Asclepias rubra, Calypso bulbosa, Sarracenia leucophylla, Sarracenia purpurea venosa, Sarracenia alata, Sarracenia rubra, Sarracenia psittacina, Sarracenia minor and Drosera filiformis in Bog Garden.
Planted Dodecatheon subalpinum at base of vicory.
Planted Dodecatheon amethystinum and Veronica officinalis at base of vicory, in Woodland Garden 2 and around pool edge.
Planted Fritillaria lanceolata at base of vicory and in Prairie Garden.
Planted Kalmia latifolia in Sand Area.
Planted Asclepias rubra, Calypso bulbosa, Sarracenia leucophylla, Sarracenia purpurea venosa, Sarracenia alata, Sarracenia rubra, Sarracenia psittacina, Sarracenia minor and Drosera filiformis in Bog Garden.
Planted Dodecatheon subalpinum at base of vicory.
Planted Dodecatheon amethystinum and Veronica officinalis at base of vicory, in Woodland Garden 2 and around pool edge.
Planted Fritillaria lanceolata at base of vicory and in Prairie Garden.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Planted Asarum caudatum in Woodland Garden 1, Woodland Garden 2, woodland part of Sand Area, at Base of Vicory and by small bucket pond.
Planted Liatris spicata alba in Prairie Garden, behind the garage, and by front porch.
Planted Disporum smithii on side of garage and in Woodland Garden 1.
Got Calypso bulbosa.
Planted Camassia leichtlinii in Acid Garden and in Prairie Garden.
Planted Galearis spectabilis by Bog and under Cedar tree.
Planted sprouted seedlings of Dodecatheon jeffreyi, Dodecatheon meadia alba, Iodanthus pinnatifidus, Geum macrophyllum and Chelone obliqua from Fridge Dish 2 into individual cups.
Planted sprouted seedlings of Caltha leptosepala, Cynoglossum grande and Cynoglossum virginianum from Fridge Dish 1 (germinated in fridge!) into individual cups.
Planted Liatris spicata alba in Prairie Garden, behind the garage, and by front porch.
Planted Disporum smithii on side of garage and in Woodland Garden 1.
Got Calypso bulbosa.
Planted Camassia leichtlinii in Acid Garden and in Prairie Garden.
Planted Galearis spectabilis by Bog and under Cedar tree.
Planted sprouted seedlings of Dodecatheon jeffreyi, Dodecatheon meadia alba, Iodanthus pinnatifidus, Geum macrophyllum and Chelone obliqua from Fridge Dish 2 into individual cups.
Planted sprouted seedlings of Caltha leptosepala, Cynoglossum grande and Cynoglossum virginianum from Fridge Dish 1 (germinated in fridge!) into individual cups.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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