Monday, September 22, 2008

Planted Bletilla striata and Bletilla striata alba in Woodland Area 1 and Shade Bog.

Planted Calypso bulbosa in Shade Bog.

Planted Stylophorum diphyllum under vicory and in Woodland Area 1.

Planted Lilium centifolium in Woodland Area 1.

Planted Apocynum cannabinum under Apple trees.

Planted Lotus corniculatus in Waste Area.

Planted Mitella caulescens in Shade Bog.

Planted Kostelezkya virginica and Hibiscus coccineus seedlings from small cups (9/9) under Apple trees.

Planted Delphinium tricorne in Prairie Area.

Planted Asarum arifolium under front window, at base of vicory and in Woodland Area 1.

Planted Lobelia cardinalis in Woodland Area 1 and Woodland Area 2.

Planted Chimaphila maculata in Acid Area.

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